
To build MyNC, you need the following prerequisites installed in your system:

  • automake, autoconf, libtool
  • development packages for Gtk+ 2.x

3D graphics features require OpenGL development packages and gtkglext installed.

The easiest way to compile MyNC is to use the build_mync.sh script which is located at the root of the source code tree. If you don't want to compile under root, you can edit the script by changing the value of the "USER" variable at the very top. If you do that, you will still have to run "./build_mync.sh" as root, but all compilation commands except "make install" and "ldconfig" will be executed on behalf of the user you specify. There's also the "PREFIX" variable which allows one to change the installation directory ("/usr/local" is the default).

You can also build everything manually with "./autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install && ldconfig". To build only gncedit, MyNC's CNC editor, you can execute this commands from the following subdirectories, in order:

			mycpp  myrelay  gcanvas  grlib  gparts  myconf  mync  gncedit

To build MyNC itself, one should proceed through the following additional subdirectories, in order:

			myncb  myncbd  gmync

To enable 3D graphics support, mync and gncedit should be configured with --enable-opengl flag (like "./configure --enable-opengl").

Note that on some Linux systems you will have to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to "/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" (adjust according to your prefix of choice) and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/usr/local/lib". For example, in bash shell:

			export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"
			export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib"

In order to build a fully functional MyNC system, one has to compile the kernel-mode part, which consists of the Linux kernel with -rti patch applied and a set of kernel modules build from mykernel subdirectory. You can run MyNC without the kernel-mode parts in place, but in this case you'll not be able to see any real action (NC programs won't execute). If you need help with getting this up and running, feel free to send a message to the mailing list.

The latest version of the -rti patch applies to linux-2.6.19. Adding support for other realtime kernel variants like RTAI is under consideration, any RTAI-capable kernel would fit in that case.

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